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"PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_42_thunderstorm_type=1_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_13": { "Graphics": "sol_33_heavy_drizzle_type=5_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 5, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 7, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "42c016f0-e733-4688-9c3c-831f8a1b3384", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_33_heavy_drizzle_type=5_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_14": { "Graphics": "sol_35_rain_type=7_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 7, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 6, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "e2a03d39-5675-45ae-b221-7cc7912bec00", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_35_rain_type=7_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_15": { "Graphics": "sol_43_heavy_thunderstorm_type=2_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, 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"WindBaseSpeedMax": 30, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 28, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 5, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "e2a03d39-5675-45ae-b221-7cc7912bec00", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_46_hurricane_type=28_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_17": { "Graphics": "sol_45_tornado_type=27_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, 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"QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 100, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_00_no_clouds_type=100_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_19": { "Graphics": "sol_01_clear_type=15_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 15, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_01_clear_type=15_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_2": { "Graphics": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 5, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 16, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 7, "MinimumDuration": 10, 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"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_21": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_22": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_23": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_24": { "Graphics": "sol_06_overcast_type=19_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 19, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_06_overcast_type=19_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_25": { "Graphics": "sol_11_mist_type=21_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 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"WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 20, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_12_fog_type=20_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_27": { "Graphics": "sol_21_haze_type=23_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, 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1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_22_dust_type=25_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_29": { "Graphics": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 24, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_3": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 5, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 7, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1200, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": 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extrapolated\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nJUMP_LIMIT = 0.5 ; Jump threshold in meters, fix is applied if remote car would suddenly move further than that\r\nJUMP_PAUSE_COLLISIONS_FOR = 5 ; For how long to disable collisions in seconds", "CSPTransitionEnabled": true, "CSPTransitionWeighted": true, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CSPTransitionDuration": 0, "LiveWeather": false, "LiveWeatherLocation": "", "LiveWeatherTimeOffset": 0, "CustomCutsEnabled": true, "CustomCutsOnlyIfCleanSet": false, "CustomCutsIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CustomCutsNumWarnings": 5, "CustomCutsPenaltyType": 4, "CustomCutsBoPAmount": 1, "CustomCutsBoPNumLaps": 20, "CustomCutsDriveThroughNumLaps": 3, "CustomCutsTimeDuration": 10, "DRSPenaltiesEnabled": false, "DRSPenaltiesWindow": 1, "DRSPenaltiesEnableOnLap": 3, "DRSPenaltiesNumWarnings": 2, "DRSPenaltiesPenaltyType": 1, "DRSPenaltiesBoPAmount": 50, "DRSPenaltiesBoPNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesDriveThroughNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesTimeDuration": 5, 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"sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_22": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_23": { "Graphics": 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1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_22_dust_type=25_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_29": { "Graphics": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 24, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_3": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 5, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 7, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1200, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_30": { "Graphics": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 22, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 30, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 0, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_4": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 7, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1200, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_5": { "Graphics": 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"ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 0, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 6, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1200, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_41_light_thunderstorm_type=0_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_9": { "Graphics": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 6, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 6, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1200, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" } }, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "CSPRequiredVersion": 2745, "CSPCoreOptions": "D", "CSPExtraOptions": "[EXTRA_RULES]\r\nREQUIRED_MODULES = lighting_fx, weather_fx, rain_fx ; list of required modules \r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nCUSTOM_MOTION = 1, SMOOTH ; smooths out cars motion a bit - new implementation on how position for remote cars online is extrapolated\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nJUMP_LIMIT = 0.5 ; Jump threshold in meters, fix is applied if remote car would suddenly move further than that\r\nJUMP_PAUSE_COLLISIONS_FOR = 5 ; For how long to disable collisions in seconds", "CSPTransitionEnabled": true, "CSPTransitionWeighted": true, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CSPTransitionDuration": 0, "LiveWeather": false, "LiveWeatherLocation": "", "LiveWeatherTimeOffset": 0, "CustomCutsEnabled": true, "CustomCutsOnlyIfCleanSet": false, "CustomCutsIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CustomCutsNumWarnings": 5, "CustomCutsPenaltyType": 4, "CustomCutsBoPAmount": 1, "CustomCutsBoPNumLaps": 20, "CustomCutsDriveThroughNumLaps": 3, "CustomCutsTimeDuration": 10, "DRSPenaltiesEnabled": false, "DRSPenaltiesWindow": 1, "DRSPenaltiesEnableOnLap": 3, "DRSPenaltiesNumWarnings": 2, "DRSPenaltiesPenaltyType": 1, "DRSPenaltiesBoPAmount": 50, "DRSPenaltiesBoPNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesDriveThroughNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesTimeDuration": 5, "CollisionPenaltiesEnabled": true, "CollisionPenaltiesTypeToPenalise": 0, "CollisionPenaltiesIgnoreFirstLap": 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"MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_20": { "Graphics": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 16, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_21": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_22": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_23": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_24": { "Graphics": 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"CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_22_dust_type=25_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_29": { "Graphics": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 24, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_3": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 5, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_30": { "Graphics": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 22, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_4": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_5": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_6": { "Graphics": 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"WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 0, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_41_light_thunderstorm_type=0_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" }, "WEATHER_9": { "Graphics": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=5_start=1716199200", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 6, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716199200, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=1_start=1716199200" } }, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "CSPRequiredVersion": 2745, "CSPCoreOptions": "D", "CSPExtraOptions": "[EXTRA_RULES]\r\nREQUIRED_MODULES = lighting_fx, weather_fx, rain_fx ; list of required modules \r\n\r\n[RAIN_RACING_LINE_PREVIEW]\r\nENABLED=1\r\nFADING_PERIOD=1200 \r\nSPEED_THRESHOLD=10, 90\r\nBODY_RADIUS=1, 1.4\r\nBODY_MULT=0.02\r\nWHEELS_MULT=0.06\r\nSPLASH_MULT=0.06\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nCUSTOM_MOTION = 1, SMOOTH ; smooths out cars motion a bit - new implementation on how position for remote cars online is extrapolated\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nJUMP_LIMIT = 0.5 ; Jump threshold in meters, fix is applied if remote car would suddenly move further than that\r\nJUMP_PAUSE_COLLISIONS_FOR = 5 ; For how long to disable collisions in seconds\r\n", "CSPTransitionEnabled": true, "CSPTransitionWeighted": true, "CMWFXDate": 1716199200, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CSPTransitionDuration": 0, "LiveWeather": false, "LiveWeatherLocation": "", "LiveWeatherTimeOffset": 0, "CustomCutsEnabled": true, "CustomCutsOnlyIfCleanSet": false, "CustomCutsIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CustomCutsNumWarnings": 5, "CustomCutsPenaltyType": 4, "CustomCutsBoPAmount": 1, "CustomCutsBoPNumLaps": 20, "CustomCutsDriveThroughNumLaps": 3, "CustomCutsTimeDuration": 10, "DRSPenaltiesEnabled": false, "DRSPenaltiesWindow": 1, 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"CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_35_rain_type=7_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_15": { "Graphics": "sol_43_heavy_thunderstorm_type=2_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 2, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 8, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1500, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "e2a03d39-5675-45ae-b221-7cc7912bec00", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_43_heavy_thunderstorm_type=2_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_16": { "Graphics": "sol_46_hurricane_type=28_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 30, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 28, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 8, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1500, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "e2a03d39-5675-45ae-b221-7cc7912bec00", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_46_hurricane_type=28_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_17": { "Graphics": "sol_45_tornado_type=27_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 27, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 8, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "fe0c5e38-066f-477f-9738-49d1f4522447", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_45_tornado_type=27_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_18": { "Graphics": "sol_00_no_clouds_type=100_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 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"ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 16, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_20": { "Graphics": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 16, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_02_few_clouds_type=16_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_21": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_22": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_23": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_24": { "Graphics": "sol_06_overcast_type=19_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 19, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_06_overcast_type=19_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_25": { "Graphics": "sol_11_mist_type=21_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 21, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 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"sol_12_fog_type=20_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_27": { "Graphics": "sol_21_haze_type=23_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 23, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_21_haze_type=23_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_28": { "Graphics": "sol_22_dust_type=25_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 25, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_22_dust_type=25_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_29": { "Graphics": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 24, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_23_sand_type=24_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_3": { "Graphics": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 5, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_30": { "Graphics": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 22, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_4": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716242400, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_5": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, 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show all cars in entrylist on the server\r\n\r\n[SCRIPT_0_RP_DRS] \r\n; disables illegal usage of drs\r\nSCRIPT = \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dadebolo/RealPenaltyLua/main/realpenalty\"\r\n\r\n;[CHAT]\r\n;MESSAGES_FILTER = '^RP\u003e'\r\n;SERVER_MESSAGES_FILTER = '^RP\u003c|^/rp\u003e'\r\n", "CSPTransitionEnabled": true, "CSPTransitionWeighted": true, "CMWFXDate": 1716242400, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "America/New_York", "CSPTransitionDuration": 0, "LiveWeather": false, "LiveWeatherLocation": "", "LiveWeatherTimeOffset": 0, "CustomCutsEnabled": false, "CustomCutsOnlyIfCleanSet": false, "CustomCutsIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CustomCutsNumWarnings": 5, "CustomCutsPenaltyType": 4, "CustomCutsBoPAmount": 1, "CustomCutsBoPNumLaps": 20, "CustomCutsDriveThroughNumLaps": 3, "CustomCutsTimeDuration": 10, "DRSPenaltiesEnabled": false, "DRSPenaltiesWindow": 1, "DRSPenaltiesEnableOnLap": 3, "DRSPenaltiesNumWarnings": 2, "DRSPenaltiesPenaltyType": 1, "DRSPenaltiesBoPAmount": 50, 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"RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_22": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_23": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_24": { "Graphics": "sol_06_overcast_type=19_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 19, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": 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"CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_11_mist_type=21_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_26": { "Graphics": "sol_12_fog_type=20_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 20, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_12_fog_type=20_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" 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"Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 17, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 15, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_03_scattered_clouds_type=17_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_30": { "Graphics": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 15, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 22, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 5, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 1800, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_24_smoke_type=22_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_4": { "Graphics": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 31, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_04_windy_type=31_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_5": { "Graphics": "sol_05_broken_clouds_type=18_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 20, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 18, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 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"sol_31_light_drizzle_type=3_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_8": { "Graphics": "sol_41_light_thunderstorm_type=0_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 0, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 13, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "971d4ddd-240a-4c4f-a9c3-692de4488b11", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_41_light_thunderstorm_type=0_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" }, "WEATHER_9": { "Graphics": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=5_start=1716213600", "BaseTemperatureAmbient": 26, "BaseTemperatureRoad": 11, "VariationAmbient": 0, "VariationRoad": 0, "WindBaseSpeedMin": 3, "WindBaseSpeedMax": 10, "WindBaseDirection": 30, "WindVariationDirection": 330, "ChampionshipPracticeWeather": "", "Duration": 0, "CSPTransitionDuration": 1, "Sessions": [ "RACE", "QUALIFY" ], "CMWFXType": 6, "CMWFXTimeMulti": 5, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CMWFXDateUnModified": 1716213600, "Weighting": 15, "MinimumDuration": 10, "MinimumTransitionDuration": 900, "TrackWetness": 0, "RainPresetID": "de164690-b0eb-4a46-8239-a643133acc4d", "CMWFXPracticeDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMulti": 1, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "PracticeGraphicsName": "sol_34_light_rain_type=6_time=0_mult=1_start=1716213600" } }, "CMWFXTimeMultiUnModified": 5, "CMWFXPracticeTimeMultiUnModified": 1, "CSPRequiredVersion": 2745, "CSPCoreOptions": "D", "CSPExtraOptions": "; 2745 -\u003e v0.2.3-preview1\r\n; 3045 -\u003e v0.2.4-preview1\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_RULES]\r\nREQUIRED_MODULES = lighting_fx, weather_fx, rain_fx ; list of required modules \r\n\r\n[RAIN_RACING_LINE_PREVIEW]\r\nENABLED=1\r\nFADING_PERIOD=1200 \r\nSPEED_THRESHOLD=10, 90\r\nBODY_RADIUS=1, 1.4\r\nBODY_MULT=0.02\r\nWHEELS_MULT=0.06\r\nSPLASH_MULT=0.06\r\n\r\n\r\n[EXTRA_TWEAKS]\r\nCUSTOM_MOTION = 1, SMOOTH ; smooths out cars motion a bit - new implementation on how position for remote cars online is extrapolated\r\nJUMP_LIMIT = 0.5 ; Jump threshold in meters, fix is applied if remote car would suddenly move further than that\r\nJUMP_PAUSE_COLLISIONS_FOR = 5 ; For how long to disable collisions in seconds\r\n;SHOW_DISCONNECTED = 1 ; show all cars in entrylist on the server\r\n\r\n[SCRIPT_0_RP_DRS] \r\n; disables illegal usage of drs\r\nSCRIPT = \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dadebolo/RealPenaltyLua/main/realpenalty\"\r\n\r\n;[CHAT]\r\n;MESSAGES_FILTER = '^RP\u003e'\r\n;SERVER_MESSAGES_FILTER = '^RP\u003c|^/rp\u003e'\r\n", "CSPTransitionEnabled": true, "CSPTransitionWeighted": true, "CMWFXDate": 1716213600, "CMWFXDateTimezone": "UTC", "CSPTransitionDuration": 0, "LiveWeather": false, "LiveWeatherLocation": "", "LiveWeatherTimeOffset": 0, "CustomCutsEnabled": false, "CustomCutsOnlyIfCleanSet": false, "CustomCutsIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CustomCutsNumWarnings": 5, "CustomCutsPenaltyType": 4, "CustomCutsBoPAmount": 1, "CustomCutsBoPNumLaps": 20, "CustomCutsDriveThroughNumLaps": 3, "CustomCutsTimeDuration": 10, "DRSPenaltiesEnabled": false, "DRSPenaltiesWindow": 1, "DRSPenaltiesEnableOnLap": 3, "DRSPenaltiesNumWarnings": 2, "DRSPenaltiesPenaltyType": 1, "DRSPenaltiesBoPAmount": 50, "DRSPenaltiesBoPNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesDriveThroughNumLaps": 2, "DRSPenaltiesTimeDuration": 5, "CollisionPenaltiesEnabled": false, "CollisionPenaltiesTypeToPenalise": 0, "CollisionPenaltiesIgnoreFirstLap": true, "CollisionPenaltiesOnlyOverSpeed": 20, 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